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American Theatre Cover


Antigone & the Chorus

American Theatre Cover
Attis Theater and The Wilma Theater
Directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos
Role: Teiresias/Chorus
"With a cast of six Philadelphians and three Greek actors, the full ensemble works cohesively to tell this story. The Greek chorus’ ability to move and speak as one unit is an enormous feat. ...Ross Beschler shines as one half of Teiresias, entertaining the audience with snark" - DC Metro
"Most distinctive is the chorus - a troupe of men, often shirtless, who speak, move, and even crawl with a style suggesting modern dance. They tap the power of the words ...and one constantly hears their breathing, as if the play is an organism."-
"You will see nothing more visually arresting this season than what Terzopoulos and company do with bodies in space,"
- Philadelphia Magazine

Our Class

Our Class

Our Class

Our Class
The Wilma Theater, 2011
Directed by Blanka Zizka
Role: Menachem
"... overpowering... the cast and creative team at the Wilma Theater, giving the play a remarkable United States premiere, are serving more than audiences or even the notion of theater... in a deeply considered staging by Wilma’s artistic director, Blanka Zizka, it’s tough, energized and revealing: extraordinary, provoking theater."-
"Blanka Zizka has seized on one of the images that appears in the second half of the play, that of ghosts who haunt the perpetrators and the survivors of the massacre, and used it to inform her whole production... perhaps the biggest achievement is not so much the individual performances of the Wilma’s actors, although they are excellent; it is the fact that the play itself, as well as the production, is able to capture in a dramatic way the spirit of the complicated history of this town." - Theater Magazine

The Hard Problem

The Hard Problem

The Hard Problem

The Hard Problem
by Tom Stoppard
US Premiere
The Wilma Theater, 2016
Directed by Blanka Zizka
Role: Spike
"There's no problem in defining why "The Hard Problem" at the Wilma is a stunning success. It's a mix of Stoppard's words and Zizka's decisions about how to make them come across. You know you're crawling around in Stoppard's mind from the opening scene, when a doctoral student in psychology and her slightly smug tutor (Sarah Gliko and Ross Beschler, both outstanding) spar over ethereal notions and you feel like a voyeur watching young folks flexing intellectual sinews." - Newsworks
"It's not what I expected, and it's *incredibly* refreshing... It may be that no reviewers in London felt that way because it wasn't what they expected, either, so they didn't see it. But it may also be that the Wilma production is just plain *better* than the National Theatre one was." - Obsidian Wings
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